OIREACHTAS of Irish Step Sites
My Opinions On Just About Everything


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Here's what I think...

My Philosophy

This is basically where I tell you everything I think about everything. My take on dresses, shoes, schools, classes, dancers, and everything else! It may be updated at times, so the same subjects may not always be there. If you want to know about any particular subject, just contact me.

Shoes- It's All About Your Feet

If you have just started to dance and are getting your first pair of shoes, I recommend getting some used ones. I find them to cost less, are already broken in for you, and if you decide not to continue, you didn't waste a whole pile of money. But when you get to some competitions, and are absolutely sure that you're going to stick with it, go ahead and get a new pair! Just make sure they're not too big, or you'll end up in the same position as I did- shoes that were way too long and didn't fit very well. You should probably ask your teacher about further information on where to buy them, and fittings, etc.

Wigs- To Curl Or Not To Curl?

Should you buy a wig, or just curl your hair for every feis? My choice would be to definitely buy a wig. It takes much less time to do, and everyone is less irritated in the end. Curling your hair takes a few hours, and may come out or become limp before you even start dancing. Though, make sure it's a good wig. Say, huge wigs on little girls...now there's a scary sight! make sure it's the right size, and as obvious as it may seem, the right color. As long as it's a good wig, you'll be fine.
Other Dancers- Everyone's Gotta Learn to Share
Some dancers can be really cruel. I came upon a dancer who kicked the other girls in the head! It can be frustrating, and for shy people like me, just horrible, but there are ways to deal with them. Either confront the teacher, the parent, or the dancer themselves! But most dancers are very nice, and can help you learn steps, practice, and even become great friends!

Do you agree or disagree with my beliefs and opinions? I'd love to hear from you. Check out my "Contact Me" page to send me e-mail.